30th December,2023, Mumbai: In the present episode of Bigg Boss 17, Bigg Boss led a court meeting to explain Munawar Faruqui’s convoluted associations with Ayesha Khan, Mannara Chopra, and different prisoners. During this court meeting, Ankita Lokhande was delegated as Munawar’s lawyer, and she guarded him. Then again, Vicky Jain was delegated as Bigg Boss’s attorney.
Munawar Faruqui’s court meeting:
During the court meeting, Vicky Jain and Ankita Lokhande tended to every one of the allegations against Munawar that were referenced in a note given by Bigg Boss. Arun Mashettey and Aoora, who were the adjudicators of this court meeting, pronounced Munawar liable. While this meeting was going on, Ayesha Khan likewise shared her side of the story and revealed how Munawar twofold dated her and his Ex Nazila Sitaishi.
After the court meeting finished, Munawar Faruqui separated into tears contemplating how Vicky Jain and the other few candidates were utilizing his own life to destroy his picture. While conversing with Ankita, Mannara Chopra communicated her desire to converse with Munawar, and Ankita urged her to converse with him as he wants her as a companion. Mannara and Munawar then, at that point, called a truce and examined the false impressions.
Is Ayesha Khan harming Munawar Faruqui’s Image?
Afterward, while conversing with Munawar once more, Mannara Chopra clarified for him how Ayesha may be harming his picture by being on the show. Mannara requested that he be clear with his sentiments connected with Ayesha and requested that he figure whether she would be there with him till the finish of the show. Munawar shared how he needs to just purpose things first and fix his life issues before he takes any choice.
Mannara then, at that point, shared her perspective and said that assuming she cherished somebody, she could never imagine hurting that individual notwithstanding any conditions. She made sense of for Munawar that assuming she had been in Ayesha’s place at any expense she couldn’t ever have entered the show.
Munawar said that he thinks Ayesha needs to hurt him since he had harmed her before. He shared that he knows somebody who could never have done what Ayesha did. Mannara consented to this. Mannara referenced that whatever occurs, she can never consider harming him Ayesha did. Munawar acknowledged what Mannara needed to say and said, “I am so dumb.”
Munawar imparted to Mannara how he never gave an idea about this along these lines. He imparted to Mannara that he doesn’t have any idea what is correct or wrong. Mannara made sense of for him how Ayesha had harmed him very.
Mannara lets Munawar know how Ayesha ought to have taken lucidity from Nazila before she began conversing with him. She urged Munawar to focus on his game.
By- Sapna Meena