
Fashion And Costume Designer Darshan Jalan And His Crew Advise, “Be You, Be Original, Don’t Try To Be One Among The Herd.”

8th April, 2023 Mumbai: Darshan Jalan is acknowledged with altering the way that fashion is portrayed in movies, on the catwalk, and in street style.…

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In This Issues

Top Netflix Shows Influencing Fashion Trends Worldwide

In an era of streaming and television where media influences everything from fashion trends to runway shows, Netflix has emerged…

Madras Fashion Icon (MFI) South India 2024 – Season II Grand Finale

Chennai, August 17, 2024 – The city of Chennai sparkled with high fashion and heartfelt generosity as it played host…

Royale Impero: Embracing Nature’s Inspiration in Fashion

In a world where fashion often follows fleeting trends, Royale Impero stands apart with a unique approach that celebrates nature’s…

Tarun Tahiliani Faces Backlash for Paris Olympics 2024 Outfits

This year, celebrated fashion designer Tarun Tahiliani designed the outfits for the Indian contingent at the Paris Olympics 2024. The…

December 2023

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